Body Sense

Autumn 2013

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BODY TALK COMPILED BY DARREN BUFORD 62% Think of the Kids Have you heard about Tinybop Explorer's Library? This series of games is designed to help children "develop a foundational understanding of the world. The goal is fun, interaction-driven play that leads to deep immersion and understanding." Their first app is titled The Human Body and allows children to "poke, probe, and examine" circulatory, digestive, muscular, nervous, respiratory, and skeletal systems. The app is available for the iPhone and iPad in the App Store for $2.99, or visit for more information. of people who received a massage in 2012 have given the gift of bodywork to a friend, family member, or colleague through gift cards and certificates. So, what's stopping you? The only thing better than receiving blissful bodywork yourself is passing on that "ahhhh" feeling to those closest to you. Statistic courtesy of ABMP's National Consumer Research Survey, conducted by Harstad Strategic Research, January 2013. Qigong Know-How defines qigong as a "Chinese treatment that combines hands-on and hands-off techniques to balance the flow of qi (energy) through the body, move and relieve qi blockages, and improve circulation." This bodywork technique uses breath, gentle movement, meditation, and visualization to balance qi, or life force. Among its many benefits—which include increased energy, more restorative sleep, and more efficient metabolism—qigong has recently been shown to reduce the anxiety, cravings, and depression associated with cocaine addiction. Read the full University of Massachusetts Medical School study here:

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