Body Sense

SPRING | 2017

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4 Body Sense B O D Y S H O P C O M P I L E D B Y L E S L I E A . Y O U N G PUREQUOSA Purequosa organic cleansing spray is a shower replacement suitable for sensitive skin and free from alcohol or chemicals. Spray Purequosa on your body or use it to cleanse exercise equipment. This hydrating formula helps you feel fresh before and after an event. Available in coastal, desert, or rain blends, each 8-ounce bottle sells for $22 and the set of three is $60 at PASSIONFRUIT AGAVE NOURISHING OIL With 95 percent organic and 99.9 percent nature-derived ingredients, this limited-edition oil is designed for a self-care ritual scalp massage or a refreshing bath. The blend of certifi ed organic sunfl ower and sesame oils provides antioxidants and moisture to help lower stress while reenergizing the body. The 7.7-ounce bottle is $42 at THE WELLBE Developed by a former Microsoft executive and his team, this anti-stress biofeedback bracelet and accompanying app asks permission to access the wearer's location and calendar so it can analyze and display results. It can be set to notify the individual when stress exceeds a certain level and automatically offers a selection of balancing tools, exercises, and meditations for immediate stress reduction. Available in black, brown, natural, or tri-color for $149 at THE WELLBE Developed by a former Microsoft executive and his team, this anti-stress biofeedback bracelet and accompanying app asks permission to access the wearer's location and calendar so it can analyze and display results. It can be set to notify the individual when stress exceeds a certain level and automatically offers a selection of balancing tools, exercises, and meditations for immediate stress reduction. Available in black, brown, natural,

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