Body Sense

SUMMER | 2017

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Body Sense 5 You may have heard of this unique modality during your recent Hawaiian vacation or saw it on your practitioner's list of services. Here's the inside scoop to this ancient healing art. Lomilomi is a relaxing massage modality that incorporates large, broad movements that use two- handed, forearm, and elbow application. Physically, the modality incorporates several techniques and an overall relaxation strategy found in Swedish massage (the most common form of bodywork), but lomilomi also incorporates an energetic, or internal, approach that facilitates healing on mental, emotional, and spiritual levels as well. Lomilomi integrates these physical and energetic techniques with breath, presence, and sacred space. This experience facilitates the letting go of old ideas, conditions, and wounds stored in the tissue and allows the body to Other things to know • Lomilomi has no set format or sequence. • The client lies directly on the vinyl of the table. • The client is covered by a small sheet or towel, leaving most of the body exposed, allowing for continuous flow of the practitioner's touch. The therapist does not work on areas of the body in isolation, and different parts of the body may be massaged at the same time. • Lomilomi may include prayer, dance work, or hula movements by the practitioner, as well as breath work and humming. • The modality has a strong energetic component. • It may include gentle stretches and gentle joint rotations. What's Lomilomi? By Darren Buford utilize new neural pathways in order to bring transformation. Hawaiian for "rub rub," and sometimes referred to as "loving hands" massage, lomilomi derived from ancient Polynesians, was practiced by native masters, and is used as a wellness practice within Hawaiian families. Auntie Margaret Machado was the first to teach lomilomi in a formal, classroom situation; previously, the training was passed on within the family by kahunas or shamans. The two primary styles of lomilomi are Temple Style and Auntie Margaret's Style or Big Island Massage. Though there are several other styles, too, all lomilomi incorporates movement, chant, and prayers. Lomilomi is described by teacher Auntie Margaret as the loving touch—a connection between heart, hand, and soul with the source of all life. To learn about other massage and bodywork modalities, please visit B S Darren Buford is editor of Body Sense magazine.

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