Body Sense

SUMMER | 2017

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8 Body Sense #1 SHOW UP More specifically, show up on time with a pretty solid idea of what you need and want that day. It's really wonderful for the two of us to collaborate on an informed plan for your session so it's uniquely tailored to your needs that day. Even if you just do a quick check-in in the car on the way to your session to tune in to your body's needs, that's a win! #2 BE EFFICIENT Massage therapists have a lot to do in a short amount of time between clients, so here are a few tips to help you help us make that the most efficient time possible. Do: Have Your Payment Ready If you can write as much of your check as you can in advance or have your credit card ready to How to Become One of Your Massage Therapist's Favorite Clients 2 STEP TWO:

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