Issue link:—your resource for all things bodywork 11 molecules; we are subtle and complex organisms and, therefore, what works for each of us is equally unique. Traditional medicine certainly has a place in our lives. I am simply making a case for honoring the innate intuitive healing wisdom of our own bodies. It seems these vehicles we are born into are compassionately designed and encoded with healing software. We need to re-learn how to use it, see that it is viable and practical, even if what it suggests sometimes appears simplistic or impractical to our modern, logic-conditioned minds. It is time to include both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, the masculine and feminine, the logical and intuitive, in our awareness and also in our functioning. May we trust what we naturally knew as children and take back our power to regulate and heal ourselves—at least in all the ways we can. Amrit Rai is both a visual artist and an energy medicine and touch specialist. She lives and works in Mill Valley, California. For more information about her, visit and was sent as a message from her healing system that something needs to change. In subsequent sessions we had together, it appeared to me that the medication had further suppressed Helen's ability to heed her body's wisdom and messages. To make matters worse, there is an additional layer of fog in her field perhaps due to the antidepressant, which makes the natural, knowing impulse more remote and more difficult to hear. TRUSTING OUR INNATE WISDOM Our innate healing wisdom that tells us what we need for balance, regeneration, growth, and well-being gets muted when we don't listen to it. It also gets more audible and nuanced in its direction for us when we respond in the reverse. Why is it so difficult for us to believe and act on those kinds of cues? What is it about our modern brains that feels better when we get a diagnosis from an authority about our condition? Why do we not believe that certain foods, colors, places, light, people, or activities are part of our natural ability to feel well and to heal? Why don't we trust what we innately know? Our bodies continually give us clues about what to eat, where to go, what to do, who to spend time with, and what and who to avoid. We owe it to ourselves to listen, even if we cannot act on every message immediately. When the time is right, we can listen, adapt, and move forward. The ability to acknowledge and act on those inner guiding messages serves our vitality and empowers us to self-regulate and heal what may be keeping us from optimum well-being. Even one small act in the direction of our wellness starts a movement in our whole organism toward greater health. Just as plants need particular conditions for growth, so do we. No pat answers or medication or diagnoses can address or know better than our own bodies what is true and right for us. We are each a unique constellation of Body Sense 11