Body Sense

AUTUMN | 2017

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4 Body Sense B O D Y S H O P C O M P I L E D B Y L E S L I E A . Y O U N G AROMATHERAPY BODY SCRUBS Inspired by an ancient Sri Lankan beauty treatment, these all-natural sugar and salt scrubs feature the scents and healing benefi ts of lavender, jasmine, and blue lotus, and the detoxifying and soothing properties of grapefruit and sandalwood. Available for $15.99 from GRID VIBE The GRID VIBE roller from TriggerPoint relaxes tight muscles, improves fl exibility, relieves pain, and elevates recovery thanks to a combination of foam rolling and vibration. The cordless, rechargeable battery holds up to two hours of power. Available for $99 at CRYSTAL MUSE Explore how you can connect with crystals and empower your life. Based on more than 25 years of research and spiritual quests, holistic healer Heather Askinosie and her business partner Timmi Jandro share their wisdom. The book is available for $27.99 at

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