Body Sense

AUTUMN | 2018

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Published for ABMP members by Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. Body Sense magazine is published for the purpose of educating the general public about the benefits of massage and bodywork, along with additional well-being topics. The information contained in this magazine is not intended for the purpose of diagnosing or prescribing. Please consult your physician before under taking any form of medical treatment and/or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. No par t of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without specific written permission from ABMP. Publisher cannot be held responsible for content of adver tisements. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for a licensed health-care professional. Volume #20, Issue #3, Autumn 2018 © 2018 All rights reserved. Body Sense massage, bodywork & healthy living HAPPY FALL For the sports fans out there, I'm sure you agree that this time of year is the sweet spot—when a convergence of the "big four" send us into a fandom frenzy. Football, hockey, and basketball seasons begin, while the boys of summer start finishing their race for the pennant. Sports fan or not, everyone can appreciate the level of dedication these athletes bring to their game and the impact it has on their bodies. That's why these athletes, and their Olympic and collegiate counterparts, have access to the most advanced care, typically including on-staff massage therapists. But, as you'll read in this issue of Body Sense, sports massage is not just for the elite athlete. From the weekend warrior to the twice-weekly gym-goer, the athlete in all of us can benefit from sports massage. I like to share the story of my daughter, a club-level gymnast since she was 8, who suffered with back pain as her skills increased in intensity a few years back. From pediatrician to orthopedist to physical therapist, we followed the path to find her the pain relief she needed to be able to continue E D I T O R ' S N O T E K A R R I E O S B O R N , E D I T O R K A R R I E @ A B M P . C O M Karrie Osborn, Editor Darren Buford, Contributing Editor Brandon Twyford, Contributing Editor Mary Barthelme Abel, Contributing Editor Angie Parris-Raney, Director of Advertising Amy Klein, Art Director James Sutherlin, Senior Designer staff Body Sense Editor Karrie Osborn ZERO The amount of stress you'll have this upcoming holiday season when you get your gift list tackled early. How? Share the gift of massage! Gift certificates for therapeutic massage and bodywork are simple, thoughtful, and heartfelt. Body Sense 3 to compete. We added cupping work (think Michael Phelps Rio Olympics 2016), chiropractic, acupuncture, and, of course, employed a crew of massage therapists who each brought their own unique assessment skills to the team, all helping my daughter to continue in the sport she loves. I'm amazed every day at what she can make her body do, and I'm equally grateful for the health-care team that helps her body continue to do it. Sports massage not only relieves pain; it also improves performance and helps in postevent recovery time. Running a 5K charity race this fall? Then, book your appointments with your therapist now to put a plan together for your training and recovery. While it's the best time to be a sports fan, I hope you have a chance to get out there yourselves and enjoy the crisp days of autumn. It's the perfect time of year to get your self-care mojo!

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