Body Sense

Winter 2013

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EDITOR'S NOTE Body Sense LESLIE A . Y O UNG, EDIT O R - IN- CH IEF massage, bodywork & healthy living Published for ABMP members by Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. Body Sense magazine is published for the purpose of educating the general public about the benefits of massage and bodywork, along with additional well-being topics. The information contained in this magazine is not intended for the purpose of diagnosing or prescribing. Please consult your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment and/or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without specific written permission from ABMP. Publisher cannot be held responsible for content of advertisements. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for a licensed health-care professional. Body Sense is published by Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Inc., 25188 Genesee Trail Road, Suite 200, Golden, Colorado 80401. 800-458-2267. The Gift of Bodywork Volume #13, Issue #4, Winter 2013 © 2013 All rights reserved. This time of year, we hear so much about the importance of savoring the season. For more information about massage therapy, visit or And yet—thanks to the calendar—this year's holiday season didn't just feel rushed, it was rushed! Hanukkah and Thanksgiving overlapped to the point of becoming "Thanksgivukkah," and the gap between the latter and Christmas was a week shorter than normal. So, whew, Happy New Year 2014! What's a body to do? To whatever degree possible: breathe, bask, enjoy, and give the gift of bodywork— to yourself or a loved one. Stepping away for an hour from the busyness of the season is priceless. You know there's nothing like that refreshed feeling when you emerge from a bodywork session. Transitioning out of a hot stone treatment, I always feel like a Gumby girl. When I emerge from a Thai massage session, I'm sure I can leap mountains. Whatever your favorite modality, you pick the aftereffects. Sign yourself up. Sign up someone you care for. Just do it. It will help you cope, enjoy, and embrace the new year. For more information about skin care, visit staff What level of pressure do you prefer during massage? LESLIE A. YOUNG, Editor-in-Chief DARREN BUFORD, Managing Editor KARRIE OSBORN, Senior Editor "Moderate" BRANDON TWYFORD, Assistant Editor "Moderate" CARRIE PATRICK, Contributing Editor ANGIE PARRIS-RANEY, Advertising Manager HANNAH LEVY, Advertising Coordinator AMY KLEIN, Production and Design Manager JAMES SUTHERLIN, Associate Designer What level of pressure do you prefer during massage?* 56% Moderate 36% Deep 4% Light 4% No preference *Results from poll.

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